Mineral Feed

One of the most important points to consider when keeping horses is a full supply of all essential nutrients. This is the only way to ensure the health, growth and performance of the four-legged friends. If, for example, only roughage and too little or no concentrated feed is fed, the horse will lack essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements - these cannot be compensated for by anything other than nutrition. Problems with bones, teeth and muscles can result from long-term deficiencies in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium or potassium. To prevent this, mineral feed is the ideal supplement for horses to daily roughage - the latter is the basis of the animal's nutrition, but it does not provide to the full extent all the necessary nutrients to keep it healthy.

short One of the most important points to consider when keeping horses is a full supply of all essential nutrients. This is the only way to ensure the health, growth and performance of the four-legged... read more »
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Mineral Feed

One of the most important points to consider when keeping horses is a full supply of all essential nutrients. This is the only way to ensure the health, growth and performance of the four-legged friends. If, for example, only roughage and too little or no concentrated feed is fed, the horse will lack essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements - these cannot be compensated for by anything other than nutrition. Problems with bones, teeth and muscles can result from long-term deficiencies in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium or potassium. To prevent this, mineral feed is the ideal supplement for horses to daily roughage - the latter is the basis of the animal's nutrition, but it does not provide to the full extent all the necessary nutrients to keep it healthy.

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Golden Mineral 25 kg
Content 25 kg (€1.83 * / 1 kg)
€45.80 *
Mineral Bricks 4 kg
Content 4 kg (€3.11 * / 1 kg)
€12.45 *
Mineral Bricks 20 kg
Content 25 kg (€1.70 * / 1 kg)
€42.50 *
Herbs Mineral Grain-Free 8 kg
Content 8 kg (€4.09 * / 1 kg)
€32.70 *
Golden Mineral 8 kg
Content 8 kg (€2.94 * / 1 kg)
€23.55 *
Horse Vital Plus 25 kg
Content 25 kg (€2.32 * / 1 kg)
€63.25 * €57.93 *
Horse Vital Plus 4 kg
Content 4 kg (€3.10 * / 1 kg)
€13.75 * €12.38 *
Herbs Mineral grain-free 25 kg
Content 25 kg (€2.80 * / 1 kg)
€69.95 *
Mineral Bricks Garlic 25 kg
Content 25 kg (€1.84 * / 1 kg)
€45.95 *
Horse Vital Plus 10 kg
Content 10 kg (€2.64 * / 1 kg)
€29.30 * €26.37 *
Mineral Bricks Garlic 4 kg
Content 4 kg (€3.56 * / 1 kg)
€14.25 *
Osteomin 8 kg
Content 8 kg (€3.74 * / 1 kg)
€29.95 *
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Wann braucht ein Pferd Mineralfutter?

Pferde brauchen immer dann ein zusätzliches Mineralfutter, wenn die Nährstoffversorgung über die Fütterung von Heu und Krippenfutter nicht ausreichend gewährleistet werden kann. In diesem Fall sollte stets und dauerhaft ein passendes Mineralfutter zugefüttert werden.

Was passiert, wenn ein Pferd keine Mineralien bekommt?

Durch eine Unterversorgung mit Mineralien und Vitaminen kann es zu Mangelerscheinungen kommen. Brüchige Hufe, ein mattes Fell oder Leistungsabfall können hier zum Beispiel Anzeichen sein. Auch kann es zu Knochen-, Zahn- oder Muskelproblematiken kommen. 

Wie oft braucht ein Pferd Mineralfutter?

Die Fütterung von Mineralfutter sollte stets täglich erfolgen, um Mangelerscheinungen vorzubeugen. Die Gabe kann 1x täglich erfolgen. 
