Grain-Free Horse Feed

In nature, horses eat very different things: mostly herbs, grass, roots and leaves - windfall fruit is also on their menu if it is available. However, what is not included is grain. The digestive tract of horses is also not suitable for large amounts of it. For comparison: oats have a starch content of 39 percent, corn even 62 percent, while hay contains just 1.8 percent. The energy requirements of leisure horses can also be covered by daily (roughage) feeding. Of course, for horses that used to be involved in field work, grain served as a necessary source of energy, which is not necessary for ordinary leisure horses today. In fact, oats, barley, corn and spelled - all types of grain - are also often fed. An additional energy supplier makes sense, especially if your animal masters performance in sports or does strenuous work. It is also sensible to use wheat bran mash for good digestion and to prevent colic. In addition to being healthy, mash has the slimy consistency horses love. Grain-free horse feed is more suitable for sensitive horses that are prone to illness. After all, horses aren't naturally used to a lot of grain. Ultimately, it depends on the necessary energy requirements whether feed with grain is suitable for your horse.

Grains are not absolutely necessary in horse feed

Grain-free horse feed not only reduces the amount of starch the horses consume. The sugar content in some types of grain is not insignificant. This is particularly disadvantageous for overweight horses, especially since they do not need the excess energy - this usually also applies to horses of normal weight. They get enough energy from their usual roughage. And even if that is not enough, a targeted concentrate supplement should first be used that supplements essential amino acids or minerals. Digestion can also be spared if grains are not used in the feed. Discomfort in the digestive tract can put a strain on the entire organism and disturb the general well-being of your horse. A grain-free diet is particularly recommended for horses suffering from metabolic diseases - i.e. for those with, for example, Cushing's disease, EMS, diabetes or laminitis. Your feed should be tailored to these diseases so that grain does not cause additional discomfort to the animal and prevents existing symptoms from worsening in the long term.

Your benefits at EGGERSMANN

Our EMH Structure horse feed – grain-free is particularly popular with our customers. Healthy alfalfa green flour, fruit pomace, rice husk bran and dried alfalfa are at the top of the list of ingredients. We only use the best raw materials for our products and guarantee high quality. Incidentally, every type of our grain-free horse feed is also available as a savings subscription with a 5 percent discount on every delivery. You no longer need to worry about ensuring that there is enough feed for your animals - we conveniently deliver to your home regularly at fixed time intervals.

short In nature, horses eat very different things: mostly herbs, grass, roots and leaves - windfall fruit is also on their menu if it is available. However, what is not included is grain. The digestive... read more »
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Grain-Free Horse Feed

In nature, horses eat very different things: mostly herbs, grass, roots and leaves - windfall fruit is also on their menu if it is available. However, what is not included is grain. The digestive tract of horses is also not suitable for large amounts of it. For comparison: oats have a starch content of 39 percent, corn even 62 percent, while hay contains just 1.8 percent. The energy requirements of leisure horses can also be covered by daily (roughage) feeding. Of course, for horses that used to be involved in field work, grain served as a necessary source of energy, which is not necessary for ordinary leisure horses today. In fact, oats, barley, corn and spelled - all types of grain - are also often fed. An additional energy supplier makes sense, especially if your animal masters performance in sports or does strenuous work. It is also sensible to use wheat bran mash for good digestion and to prevent colic. In addition to being healthy, mash has the slimy consistency horses love. Grain-free horse feed is more suitable for sensitive horses that are prone to illness. After all, horses aren't naturally used to a lot of grain. Ultimately, it depends on the necessary energy requirements whether feed with grain is suitable for your horse.

Grains are not absolutely necessary in horse feed

Grain-free horse feed not only reduces the amount of starch the horses consume. The sugar content in some types of grain is not insignificant. This is particularly disadvantageous for overweight horses, especially since they do not need the excess energy - this usually also applies to horses of normal weight. They get enough energy from their usual roughage. And even if that is not enough, a targeted concentrate supplement should first be used that supplements essential amino acids or minerals. Digestion can also be spared if grains are not used in the feed. Discomfort in the digestive tract can put a strain on the entire organism and disturb the general well-being of your horse. A grain-free diet is particularly recommended for horses suffering from metabolic diseases - i.e. for those with, for example, Cushing's disease, EMS, diabetes or laminitis. Your feed should be tailored to these diseases so that grain does not cause additional discomfort to the animal and prevents existing symptoms from worsening in the long term.

Your benefits at EGGERSMANN

Our EMH Structure horse feed – grain-free is particularly popular with our customers. Healthy alfalfa green flour, fruit pomace, rice husk bran and dried alfalfa are at the top of the list of ingredients. We only use the best raw materials for our products and guarantee high quality. Incidentally, every type of our grain-free horse feed is also available as a savings subscription with a 5 percent discount on every delivery. You no longer need to worry about ensuring that there is enough feed for your animals - we conveniently deliver to your home regularly at fixed time intervals.

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EMH Structure Grain-Free 20 kg
Content 20 kg (€1.25 * / 1 kg)
€24.99 *
Green Power 20 kg
Content 20 kg (€1.50 * / 1 kg)
€29.90 *
ReVital Cubes 25 kg
Content 25 kg (€1.28 * / 1 kg)
€31.99 *
Weserland Mash Grain-Free 15 kg
Content 15 kg (€2.07 * / 1 kg)
€30.99 *
Senior Muesli Grain-Free 15 kg
Content 15 kg (€1.78 * / 1 kg)
€26.65 *
Lecker Bricks Grain-Free 1 kg
Content 1 kg
€3.55 *
Herbs Mineral Grain-Free 8 kg
Content 8 kg (€4.50 * / 1 kg)
€35.99 *
Vitalize Low Carb Plus 15 kg
Content 15 kg (€1.83 * / 1 kg)
€27.45 *
E-VET mucOvital prebiotic 20 kg
Content 20 kg (€1.90 * / 1 kg)
€37.95 *
Herbs Mineral grain-free 25 kg
Content 25 kg (€3.08 * / 1 kg)
€76.95 *
Vitalize Gastro Plus E 20kg
Content 20 kg (€1.30 * / 1 kg)
€25.90 *
Sensitive Muesli grain-free 15 kg
Sensitive Muesli grain-free 15 kg
Content 15 kg (€1.77 * / 1 kg)
€26.50 *

Wann dürfen Pferde kein Getreide fressen?

In erster Linie sollten Pferde mit Stoffwechselerkrankungen wie Cushing, Hufrehe, PSSM oder EMS getreidefrei ernährt werden, um den Stoffwechsel weitestgehend durch eine geringe Zucker- und Stärkezufuhr zu entlasten. Auch Pferde mit Magenproblematiken können von einer getreidefreien Fütterung profitieren.

Warum kein Getreide für Pferde?

Einige Pferde haben Probleme mit der Verdauung und der Verstoffwechselung von Stärkehaltigem Getreide. Folglich können Erkrankungen des Stoffwechsels oder des Magen-Darm-Traktes entstehen. Eine getreidefreie Fütterung kann in diesen Fällen sinnvoll sein.

Wie kann ich feststellen, ob mein Pferd eine Getreideunverträglichkeit hat?

Diese kann oftmals nach Rücksprache mit einem Tierarzt diagnostiziert werden. Verschiedene Testmöglichkeiten bringen Gewissheit, ob das Pferd eine Getreideunverträglichkeit hat. Anschließend kann die Fütterung, im Bestfall mit einer Fütterungsberatung, optimal angepasst werden.

Welche Vorteile hat eine getreidefreie Fütterung?

  • Sehr naturnahe Fütterung des Pferdes
  • Verringerung der Zufuhr an Zucker & Stärke, wodurch der Stoffwechsel entlastet wird
  • Vor allem übergewichtige Pferde profitieren davon
  • Schonung des Magen-Darm-Traktes – vor allem bei empfindlichen Pferden

Ist getreidefreies Futter für alle Pferde geeignet?

Grundsätzlich kann jedes Pferd über eine getreidefreie Fütterung ernährt werden. Jedoch ist dies nicht bei jedem Pferd nötig. Die meisten Pferde können angepasste Mengen an hochwertig verarbeitetem Getreide gut verwerten und die Energie optimal nutzen. Eine getreidefreie Fütterung ist kein Allheilmittel - es sollte stets bedarfsgerecht mit Blick auf die Leistung und den Gesundheitszustand des Pferdes gefüttert werden, ob mit oder ohne Getreide in der Ration.

Welche Tipps gibt es zur getreidefreien Fütterung?

  • Die Basis sollte stets ein hochwertiges Raufutter in ausreichende Menge bilden
  • Stets bedarfsgerecht füttern, auch eine getreidefreie Ration liefert Nährstoffe, die nicht über- oder unterdosiert werden sollten
  • Augenmerk auf hochwertige Fett- und Eiweißquellen
  • Bei Unsicherheiten sollte stets eine Fütterungsberatung zu Rate gezogen werden