Eggersmann Volaris - Wild Bird Feed


Birdseed made with love - buy online in the Eggersmann Shop

In the Eggersmann online shop you will find a large selection of high-quality wild bird feed from the heart of the Weserbergland. From the classic fat and Scatter feed to Fat Balls in the varieties whole grain, fruit and protein/insects to feeding sticks for wild birds, the volaris range is completely tailored to feeding wild birds all year round.

Wild bird feed from a traditional family business

Thanks to our history as a feed manufacturer, we are familiar with the processing of cereals and grains. We would like to use this knowledge to offer the wild birds in your garden the best possible nutrient supply all year round. Our passion extends to all local wild birds, from blackbirds to chaffinches, tits, sparrows and wrens.

Food for feeding wild birds all year round - in our online shop

For year-round bird feeding, the Eggersmann volaris range includes, for example, GRAINball with whole grain or tasty scatter feed in various compositions.The fatty feed is a particularly fast source of energy for wild birds, which is indispensable in winter.

Buy birdseed with consideration for the rearing of the young

In spring and summer we recommend buying our GRAINball with insects, as these provide a particularly large amount of the protein and calcium required for rearing the young animals.

Our special summer grains with extra small grains and without peanuts to protect the young birds are particularly suitable for rearing young birds in summer. We have also developed a special fat ball for midsummer: our midsummer ball is vegan and based on purely plant-based ingredients. The midsummer ball has the advantage that exposure to the sun and high temperatures cannot harm it because it contains no beef fat. However, the high summer ball is so firm that it should not be fed when the outside temperature is below 20 °C and is therefore not offered in the autumn and winter months.

Species-appropriate variety in our online shop

Because many of our native wild birds, such as woodpeckers and jays, as well as tits, finches, nuthatches, starlings and robins also like nuts, the Eggersmann volaris range also offers nut and muesli sticks as well as the peanut balls from our Heiner's Beste premium line.

All of our wild bird feed is 100% Made in Germany and of course in tried and tested Eggersmann quality.

short Birdseed made with love - buy online in the Eggersmann Shop In the Eggersmann online shop you will find a large selection of high-quality wild bird feed from the heart of the Weserbergland.... read more »
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Eggersmann Volaris - Wild Bird Feed


Birdseed made with love - buy online in the Eggersmann Shop

In the Eggersmann online shop you will find a large selection of high-quality wild bird feed from the heart of the Weserbergland. From the classic fat and Scatter feed to Fat Balls in the varieties whole grain, fruit and protein/insects to feeding sticks for wild birds, the volaris range is completely tailored to feeding wild birds all year round.

Wild bird feed from a traditional family business

Thanks to our history as a feed manufacturer, we are familiar with the processing of cereals and grains. We would like to use this knowledge to offer the wild birds in your garden the best possible nutrient supply all year round. Our passion extends to all local wild birds, from blackbirds to chaffinches, tits, sparrows and wrens.

Food for feeding wild birds all year round - in our online shop

For year-round bird feeding, the Eggersmann volaris range includes, for example, GRAINball with whole grain or tasty scatter feed in various compositions.The fatty feed is a particularly fast source of energy for wild birds, which is indispensable in winter.

Buy birdseed with consideration for the rearing of the young

In spring and summer we recommend buying our GRAINball with insects, as these provide a particularly large amount of the protein and calcium required for rearing the young animals.

Our special summer grains with extra small grains and without peanuts to protect the young birds are particularly suitable for rearing young birds in summer. We have also developed a special fat ball for midsummer: our midsummer ball is vegan and based on purely plant-based ingredients. The midsummer ball has the advantage that exposure to the sun and high temperatures cannot harm it because it contains no beef fat. However, the high summer ball is so firm that it should not be fed when the outside temperature is below 20 °C and is therefore not offered in the autumn and winter months.

Species-appropriate variety in our online shop

Because many of our native wild birds, such as woodpeckers and jays, as well as tits, finches, nuthatches, starlings and robins also like nuts, the Eggersmann volaris range also offers nut and muesli sticks as well as the peanut balls from our Heiner's Beste premium line.

All of our wild bird feed is 100% Made in Germany and of course in tried and tested Eggersmann quality.

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1 From 7
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volaris - TITball without net 200 pcs
Content 18.7 kg (€1.04 * / 1 kg)
€19.49 *
volaris - TITball without net 100 pcs
Content 9.4 kg (€1.23 * / 1 kg)
€11.59 *
volaris - Forage 25 Kg
Content 25 kg (€1.30 * / 1 kg)
€32.49 *
volaris - GRAINball Insects Protein w/o net 200...
Content 18 kg (€1.56 * / 1 kg)
€27.99 *
volaris - TITball with net 200 pcs
Content 18.7 kg (€1.10 * / 1 kg)
€20.49 *
volaris - Fat Feed 25 Kg
Content 25 kg (€1.02 * / 1 kg)
€29.99 * €25.49 *
volaris - SUMMERgrains 25 kg
Content 25 kg (€1.20 * / 1 kg)
€29.99 *
volaris - TITball with net 100 pcs
Content 9.4 kg (€1.34 * / 1 kg)
€12.59 *
volaris - Forage shell-less 3 kg
Content 3 kg (€2.83 * / 1 kg)
€8.49 *
volaris - peanut butter with insects 350g
Content 0.35 kg (€8.54 * / 1 kg)
€2.99 *
volaris - Forage shell-less 25 kg
Content 25 kg (€1.40 * / 1 kg)
€34.99 *
volaris - GRAINball Insects Protein red net...
Content 18 kg (€1.27 * / 1 kg)
€28.49 * €22.79 *
1 From 7

Vogelfutter mit Liebe – online im Eggersmann Shop kaufen

Im Eggersmann Onlineshop finden Sie eine große Auswahl hochwertig produziertes Wildvogelfutter aus dem Herzen des Weserberglandes. Vom klassischen Fett- und Streufutter über Meisenknödel in den Sorten Vollkorn, Frucht und Protein/Insekten bis hin zu Futterstangen für Wildvögel ist das volaris Sortiment komplett auf eine ganzjährige Wildvogelfütterung abgestimmt.

Wildvogelfutter vom traditionsreichen Familienunternehmen

Durch unsere Historie als Futtermittelhersteller kennen wir uns mit der Verarbeitung von Getreide und Körnern aus. Dieses Wissen möchten wir nutzen, um den Wildvögeln in Ihrem Garten ganzjährig die bestmögliche Nährstoffversorgung zu bieten. Unsere Leidenschaft erstreckt sich hierbei auf alle heimischen Wildvögel, von der Amsel über Buchfinken, Meisen, Spatzen bis hin zum Zaunkönig.

Futter zur ganzjährigen Wildvogelfütterung – bei uns im Onlineshop

Für die ganzjährige Vogelfütterung umfasst das Eggersmann volaris Sortiment z.B. Meisenknödel mit Vollkorn oder schmackhaftes Streufutter in verschiedenen Zusammensetzungen.

Das Fettfutter ist für Wildvögel ein besonders schneller Energielieferant, der im Winter unverzichtbar ist.

Vogelfutter mit Rücksicht auf die Jungtieraufzucht kaufen

Im Frühling und zur Sommerzeit empfehlen wir unsere Meisenknödel mit Insekten zu kaufen, da diese das benötigte Eiweiß und Kalzium für die Aufzucht der Jungtiere in besonders hohem Maß liefern. 

Besonders zur Aufzucht der Jungvögel eignen sich zur Sommerzeit auch unsere speziellen Sommerkörner mit extra kleinen Körnern zum Schutz der Jungvögel.

Artgerechte Vielfalt in unserem Onlineshop

Weil viele unserer heimischen Wildvögel, wie Spechte und Eichelhäher, ebenso wie Meisen, Finken, Kleiber, Stare und Rotkehlchen auch Nüsse mögen, bietet das Eggersmann volaris Sortiment zudem Nuss- und Müslistangen sowie die Erdnusskugel aus unserer Heiner's Beste Premiumlinie.

Unser gesamtes Wildvogelfutter ist zu 100% Made in Germany und natürlich in altbewährter Eggersmann Qualität.
